This is a beautiful song to think about on Good Friday, the day we remember the death of our Lord. It was indeed, I think, the climax of History; all events after the fall were leading up to this point and afterward all things are leading down towards the eventual end of the earth. Before the incarnation and resurrection, men were saved by looking forward to the promised hope of Israel, after the ascension, men were and are saved by looking back to the death of the Lord Jesus Christ and his victory over sin and death.
We choose this day to remember his sacrifice, which did happen on a Friday, (though we can never be quite sure which Friday) and which was both the worst and the best day for God and the Devil concerning the earth. The worst in that God became sin, and the best in that through this seeming defeat came the redemption of mankind. So as we celebrate this day we must both mourn over our sins that nailed the Lord of glory to the cross, but we must also rejoice in His victory over sin and our salvation which He has given us! Let us also rejoice with thankful hearts, for we can never fully know the extent of the pain and sorrow and anguish that it took for Christ to be separated from God and the Father to turn his face from his only begotten son with whom He was well pleased. So now, here is a song which does a good job of putting our guilt into perspective. Let us remember that we are just as responsible for nailing Jesus to the tree, as was Judas Iscariot!
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